3-Day Meditation Journey

Have you been feeling ashamed of a diagnosis and burying yourself away because you don’t want to face it? Or maybe you have been scared of what it means for your future, so you have been isolating yourself to avoid talking about it with anyone?

I can promise you that YOU are NOT alone. These feelings and reactions are VERY common.

Fear tends to be the most intense for people when they begin to worry about their symptoms and start projecting into the future what might happen one day rather than living in the moment.

Are you ready to make a change?

This 3-Day empowering meditation journey is here to help you Turn Your Fears to Dust and begin to Feel Calmer when Your Symptoms Appear.

You will begin by living in the moment, visioning a new reality, and having faith that your symptom is your friend who is there to instill a superpower onto you.

All you need is a willingness to be open, to observe, and to listen!

What Women Have Said:

  • “This symptom, and dealing with it, gives me hope that I can come back to myself more.”

  • “It is clear that my symptom is here to show me it’s ok to slow down and live in my body’s truth in each moment.

  • “I had a new realization and affirmation that my symptom is my body wanting attention.”

Sign Up Here

Are you ready to make a change with this FREE 3-Day empowering meditation journey as you learn how to turn your symptom into your superpower?

Hi, I’m Megan!

I am the Founder and Creator of The MS Stage and The MS Stage Method. I, myself, have been living well with Multiple Sclerosis for 19 years now. After noticing a gap in the support community around MS, I created mindfulness practices through meditation, movement, and sharing stories that helped me on my journey and have now been proven to help others shift their mindsets around theirs. As an empowerment coach, I help women around the world with MS become friends with their symptoms.