Welcome to The MS Stage blog!
I’m thrilled to have you here! Here you will find inspirations about my daily practices, other personal stories, resources, and all kinds of goodies to guide you on your healing journey. Take your shoes off and step inside!
Happy Healing!
Xo, Megan
My essential MS tool kit to make travel easier and more accessible
By using the mindset I teach at The MS Stage along with my tools, I was able to walk further and faster than I have in a long time. I used walking tools, affirmations, visualizations, mindset, and gratitude!, and it all worked to make the trip joyful for both of us.
Surround Yourself with Love and Move Your Body to Reduce MS Symptoms
My body was in total joy when I was dancing and celebrating our friend’s wedding! The joy and love my body felt allowed my leg, Roxy, to flow easier and hence I didn’t need my cane on the dance floor.
Self-Compassion and healing affirmations for MS wellness
Having compassion and gratitude for your body and your symptoms can make living with an MS diagnosis much easier. When you see your symptoms as a friend you can adore them and give them what they need.
The Best Multiple Sclerosis Podcasts featuring The MS Stage
I’ve been featured on some great podcasts talking about my lifestyle choices that keep me nourished and well, and my women’s MS support group, The MS Stage. Check these shows out, you may find a new favorite podcast!
Setting Clear Boundaries and Scheduling “Joy Time” After an MS Diagnosis
Take a moment and think about what YOUR joy time looks like. Then set aside an hour to bring more joy into your life. You can decide in the moment or plan ahead for something really fun. It can be a big undertaking or something simple and small. Just make sure your joy time is all about YOU and not someone else’s agenda.
An MS Diagnosis and Your “New Body” Can Lead You to Your True Essence
From my teaching experience, I have found that many MSers feel that they are grieving their “old bodies” - the body they knew before they were diagnosed with MS. They wish they were still able to live in that old body and experience life with them instead of their “new body.”
As the minister said this, I thought what if my students could grieve their old bodies with hope instead of with fear and sadness?
A Daily Gratitude Practice Can Help Calm MS Symptoms and Inspire You to be Your Best Self
When you’re feeling overwhelmed or disappointed, remember this small action you can take to reset and reframe any given circumstance. Feeling thankful boosts neurotransmitter serotonin, which is related to feelings of satisfaction, happiness and optimism. Gratitude also activates the brain stem to produce the feel-good chemical dopamine.
10 Self-Care Practices to add to your MS Wellness Program
Joining a multiple sclerosis support group like The MS Stage can be a really powerful step on your healing journey, but there are lots of other ways to bring healing arts for MS into your day to day life, too. Here are ten self-care practices that I incorporate into my daily routine to help me reduce multiple sclerosis symptoms and boost my mental health.